Profile picture

Seldon Tselung

Hi, I am
  a fullstack
    engineer who
      enjoys diving into
        the back-end as much
          as brainstorming creative designs for the front-end.
            Growing up in different cities and cultures, and changing
              careers from mechanical to software engineering have equipped
                me with a unique set of experiences, which have led me to develop
                  a mindset that's open, curious, courageous, adaptable, and optimistic!
                                                  In my free time, I like to 
                                              build 3D puzzles,
                                          travel, dance,
                                  & hike.


Programming Languages

  • SQL
  • CSS3
  • HTML5
  • JavaScript(ES6)

Libraries, Frameworks & Systems

  • React
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL

Tools & Platforms

  • Postman
  • AWS EC2
  • Firebase
  • Git, GitHub
  • Docker, DockerHub


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NASA Launch

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An interactive site that allows users to schedule a rocket launch to a habitable planet. Users select a habitable planet from NASA's database of habitable planets, select a date of launch, name their rocket and finally schedule a mock launch. The site was deployed using Docker and AWS EC2 instance.

Tech stack: React, Node, Express, Git, GitHub, Postman, Mongoose, MongoDB, Docker, AWS EC2

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OnlyFoods App

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A food lover's social app created following Agile workflow. Users can securely login to post, edit, share and bookmark food recipes.

Tech stack: React Native, Expo, Google Firestore, Google Firebase, Git, GitHub

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Campus Database

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My first fullstack project building a campus database website where a user can look up, add or edit information on students and campuses.

Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, React, Redux, NodeJS, PostgreSQL.

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A personal portfolio site that is mobile responsive and hosted through GitHub Pages. Users can learn about my background, interests, the different projects I have worked on so far, and the skills I have attained in the past year. Users can also click on the resources link (located in the footer), which will guide them to all the resources and tools that were used to build this site.

Tech stack: HTML, CSS, GitHub

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The GreenHouse

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An e-commerce site that features a product catalog for various types of plants, secured login experience, and persistent user sessions. Users can sign up or log in, read about the company, browse through all plants, view details of a single plant, choose a quantity, add the item to cart and view cart with the total quantity and item.

Tech stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Redux, Node, Express, PostgreSQL, Git, GitHub

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Bedtime Stories

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A mini project involving a mock site that shares and translates bedtime stories for children at the click of a button. Stories are displayed in english first and the user can choose to have them translated to spanish.

Tech stack: React Native, Microsoft Azure's Translator API, Git, GitHub